Write to Your Councillors, Mayor, PCC or MP
To see lasting change it is important that we raise our concerns with our elected representatives. Please use the template below to email your Councillors, Mayor, PCC or MP, raising your concerns about knife crime.
- Write to your Councillors and MP here: WriteToThem
- Write to Mark Shelford, Police and Crime commissioner here: mark@markshelford.org.uk
- Write to Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol here: Mayor@bristol.gov.uk
- Write to Dan Norris, Mayor for the West of England Combined Authority here: Mayor@westofengland-ca.gov.uk
I believe that Knife crime poses significant risk to the wellbeing of our communities. It sows fear between generations, communities and degrades cohesion. I believe that we must get tough of knife crime and commit to building a safer city.
As my elected representative I am writing to you to ask that you commit to doing everything within your influence and resource to end knife crime and implement the following actions:
- Campaign for more stringent regulation at point of sale so as to dissuade purchases made with dangerous or illegal intent, and aid in the identification of perpetrators.
- The introduction and strategic placement of ‘Knife Bins’ to enable the safe disposal of knives which risk being used in banned and illegal activities.
- The introduction of catastrophic bleed kits in schools, colleges and potential high-risk areas such as pubs and clubs.
- Emergency first aid training for catastrophic bleeding and knife inflicted wounds for all teachers in schools and colleges. In addition, first aid training for young people and community members to be made freely available.
- The introduction of greater community, family and victim support services.
- The introduction of early intervention mentoring programmes for at risk young people. Providing the mental, emotional, social, and physical support to enable well rounded citizens.
- Greater investment into skills, training and apprenticeship opportunities for at risk young people to be introduced. Offering clear and real-world pathways from school into meaningful work.
I thank you for your commitment in addressing this important issue and eagerly await your response. for further information and to pledge your support please visit Safer City: Bin The Blade Campaign | Samuel P. S. Williams (samuelwilliams.org.uk)
Yours faithfully